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来源: 起点文学城 时间:2024-04-19
1、不想熬夜了,没什么意思,还是早睡早起吧。 I don't want to stay up late. It's meaningless. I'd better go to bed early and get up early. 2、别的寝室纪律好,成绩好,卫生好,而我们寝室开心就好。 Other dormitories have good discipline, good grades and good hygiene, while our dormitories are happy. 3、喜欢,脸红,心跳,不言语失眠,焦虑,常梦呓,都是你。 Like, blush, heartbeat, no words, insomnia, anxiety, often dream, are you. 4、人和人的吸引力都来自于:没看透。 The attraction of people comes from not seeing through. 5、风还是风,雨还是雨,我的伞下却没有了你。 Wind or wind, rain or rain, but there is no you under my umbrella. 6、不懂你微笑的意思,只能像一朵向日葵在夜里默默的坚持。 Do not understand the meaning of your smile, can only be like a sunflower in the night quietly adhere to. 7、独立的好处便是爱情消失的时候,你也能以潇洒的心情消失。 The advantage of independence is that when love disappears, you can also disappear in a natural and unrestrained mood. 8、你说是天冷了,我说是心凉了。 You said it was cold, I said it was cold. 9、时间改变了我们许多摸样很多,始终无法改变曾经的爱恋。 Time has changed a lot of us. We can't change our love. 10、由于你的出现使我坚强,由于我的出现使你伟大! Because your appearance makes me strong, because my appearance makes you great! 11、曾经海枯石烂,抵不过好聚好散。 Once the sea was dry and the rocks were rotten, but it was better to gather and scatter. 12、人心的真假,时间能见证;感情的冷暖,风雨能考验。 Time can witness the true and false of people's heart, and wind and rain can test the warmth and coldness of feelings. 13、机会像一个小偷,他来到时无声无息,走了时你却损失严重。 Opportunity is like a thief. When he comes, he is silent. When he leaves, you lose a lot. 14、为了在今生能遇到你,我在前生,早已留有余地。 In order to meet you in this life, I have already left room in my previous life. 15、没必要假装自己很努力,毕竟结局不会欺骗你。 There's no need to pretend that you work hard. After all, the ending won't deceive you. 16、一旦安安稳稳喜欢上一个人,在面对其他人的时候都觉得无趣。 Once you fall in love with someone, you will find it boring in the face of others. 17、人皆知有用之用,而莫知无用之用也。 Everyone knows what is useful, but not what is useless. 18、别骗我,你知道你说的即使是谎话我也会信。 Don't lie to me. You know I'll believe what you say even if it's a lie. 19、总有一些事情,让你不经意间,看透了一颗心。 There are always some things, let you inadvertently, see through a heart. 20、好想说爱你,却发现你是聋子,我是哑巴。 I want to say I love you, but I find that you are deaf and I am dumb. 21、道路坎坷事不期,疾风劲草练男儿。 The road is rough, things are not expected, the wind is strong and the grass is strong. 22、老子每条说说都是写给你看的,全世界都有动静就你没反应。 Lao Tzu's every talk is written for you. There is news all over the world, but you don't respond. 23、不要看别人表面上一帆风顺,实际上人家背地里也是一帆风顺。 Don't look at other people's plain sailing on the surface, but actually they are also plain sailing on the back. 24、有些事,我假装不知道,知道了,只会让自己更加心痛。 Some things, I pretend not to know, know, will only make their own more heartache. 25、人生很大的幸福,是发现自己爱的人正好也爱自己。 The greatest happiness in life is to find that the person you love also happens to love you. 26、我很想抖落一身星光,从此长眠于你心上。 I want to shake off the stars and sleep in your heart forever. 27、生命就像是一场永不停歇的旅行,遇见了谁都是一种美丽风景。 Life is like a never-ending journey, meet who is a beautiful scenery. 28、我浪不浪关你什么事,谁稀罕你给的家。 It's none of your business whether I wave or not. Who cares about your home. 29、一片石即一座佛,一座佛又即一片石,无非是一片心。 A piece of stone is a Buddha, and a Buddha is a piece of stone. It is nothing more than a piece of heart. 30、平时疯疯癫颠的和人笑和人闹,不过就是不想一个人孤单而已。 Usually crazy and people laugh and make, but just don't want to be alone. 31、再也没有感情,也没有期待。 No more feelings, no more expectations. 32、现在的我很乖,没有谈恋爱,还在等你。 Now I am very good, not in love, still waiting for you. 33、忆君心似西江水,日夜东流无歇时。 My heart is like Xijiang River, flowing eastward day and night. 34、我们至少可以把秋天理解为,平静地拥抱夏天里未完成的遗憾。 We can at least understand autumn as calmly embracing the unfinished regrets in summer. 35、有时候爱上一个人是情非得已的,可一句分手让我情以何堪。 Sometimes it's necessary to fall in love with someone, but it's embarrassing to break up. 36、我对你的爱从来没有停止,只是我不再让别人知道而已。 My love for you has never stopped, but I no longer let others know. 37、我不想哭不想闹,我想要忘记所有,忘记痛苦忘记烦恼。 I don't want to cry, I don't want to make trouble, I want to forget all, forget pain, forget trouble. 38、挫折可以历练强者,也可以摧毁弱者。 Setbacks can train the strong and destroy the weak. 39、孤心逐浮云之炫烨的卷舒,惯看青空的眼喜侵阈的青芜。 The lonely heart is dazzled by the floating clouds. Lin's eyes are used to seeing the green sky, and he likes the green Wu. 40、你若属于我,那就只属于我一个人,我可不喜欢和别人分享。 If you belong to me, you belong to me alone. I don't like to share with others. 41、我们似乎都忘了那段感情,我忘得刻意,你忘得随意。 We seem to have forgotten that relationship, I forget deliberately, you forget at will. 42、后来我有钱有事业,却再也没有一个可以相互喜欢的人。 Later, I had money and a career, but no one could like each other any more. 43、你别皱眉,我走就好。 Don't frown. I'll go. 44、当我学会了控制脾气时,就证明我懂得了什么叫没必要。 When I learned to control my temper, it proved that I knew what unnecessary was. 45、当善良的人撕下面具时,你连跪下的机会都没有。 When a good man tears off his mask, you don't even have a chance to kneel down. 46、真正的爱,应该超越生命的长度、心灵的寬度、灵魂的深度。 True love should transcend the length of life, the width of soul and the depth of soul. 47、吃够了痴情的苦,什么牵制我就放弃什么。 If I have had enough of the suffering of infatuation, I will give up whatever is contained. 48、所有心心念念都是一厢情愿,所有事与愿违都是理所当然。 All thoughts are wishful thinking, and all things that go against one's wishes are taken for granted. 49、不快乐时,抽一根烟,醉烟的感觉如醉酒那样伤感。 When you are not happy, smoke a cigarette, and the feeling of drunkenness is as sad as drunkenness. 50、命运掌握在自己手里,而不是掌握在别人嘴里! Destiny is in your own hands, not in the mouth of others!





