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来源: 起点文学城 时间:2024-04-30
1、友情不要求什么,它有一种温暖,它是我们都能体会到的。 Friendship does not require anything, it has a kind of warmth, it is we can all experience. 2、感谢你,我的朋友,在我很无助的时候,伸出温暖的手。 Thank you, my friend, in my most helpless time, extended the warm hand. 3、一场烟雨落红伤,白月光,添惆怅,空余枝头无花香。 A misty rain red, white moonlight, add melancholy, spare branches no flower fragrance. 4、闺蜜就是那种,今天吵,明天笑,近了烦,远了想。 Girlfriends are those who make noise today, laugh tomorrow, get bored and think far away. 5、人生相遇,无言心温暖;真诚友谊,不语心相知。 Life encounter, speechless heart warm; sincere friendship, silent heart know each other. 6、世界上用得很普遍的名词是朋友,但是很难得到的也是朋友。 The most common noun in the world is friend, but the most difficult to get is friend. 7、很宝贵的东西不是你拥有的物质,而是陪伴在你身边的人。 The most precious thing is not the material you have, but the people who accompany you. 8、失恋我陪你,失业我陪你,生病我陪你,这就是闺蜜。 Lovelorn I accompany you, unemployed I accompany you, sick I accompany you, this is the best friend. 9、如果你对别人的苦难无动于衷,那么你就不配称为人。 If you are indifferent to the sufferings of others, you are not worthy of being called a man. 10、有很多难过我不想说,因为我知道不是谁都想听。 There are a lot of sad, I don't want to say, because I know that not everyone wants to hear. 11、友谊,是严寒里的炉火;是酷暑里的绿荫;是金秋里的小棉袄。 Friendship is the fire in the cold, the shade in the hot summer, and the cotton padded jacket in the golden autumn. 12、在快乐时,朋友会认识我们;在患难时,我们会认识朋友。 When we are happy, our friends will know us; when we are in trouble, we will know our friends. 13、友谊的基础在于两个人的心肠和灵魂,有着很大的相似。 Friendship is based on the heart and soul of two people, with the greatest similarity. 14、物以类聚,一点没错,我们真的越来越像,你发现没。 Birds of a feather flock together. That's right. We're really more and more like each other. Have you noticed. 15、只因你陪我历经风雨,它很动人,只因有你,谢谢! Just because you accompany me through the wind and rain, it is very moving, only because of you, thank you! 16、朋友是很好,一面骂你,一面为你擦眼泪的角色。 Friends are the only one who scold you and wipe your tears. 17、患难见真情生死与共!就算岁月慢慢老去,友谊长存在回忆里! A friend in need is a friend in need! Even if the years grow old, friendship exists in the memory! 18、一个人如果抛弃他忠实的朋友,就等于抛弃他很珍贵的生命。 If a man abandons his faithful friend, he abandons his most precious life. 19、有些事情犹如宿命,由不得你不甘心,由不得你不情愿! Some things are like fate, you can't be reconciled, you can't be unwilling! 20、谢谢你,把我呵护,让我温暖,把我周全,给我心安。 Thank you for taking care of me, making me warm, taking care of me and giving me peace of mind. 21、雨雪见真情,平淡现真心,真心露真情,真情知真人。 Rain and snow see the truth, plain show the truth, true love know the real person. 22、同学们在长期的学习和生活中,建立了纯真的友谊。 Students in the long-term study and life, established a pure friendship. 23、怜悯你的人不是朋友,帮助你的人才可能是朋友。 Those who pity you are not friends; those who help you may be friends. 24、闺密,不管联系是否频繁,只要一联系上,一如既往的亲切。 Boudoir, no matter whether frequent contact, as long as a contact, as always cordial. 25、秋寒至才知风雨有力能蚀骨,故人散方悟相思千行无笔书。 Autumn cold to know that the wind and rain can erode the bone, the old man scattered Fang Wu Acacia, thousands of lines without pen. 26、友谊如油彩,我们共同调色,描绘出一幅幅美丽的图画。 Friendship is like oil paint. We color together and paint beautiful pictures. 27、相忘谁先忘,倾国是故国。泠泠不肯弹,蹁跹影惊鸿。 Forget who forgets first, Qing country is the home country. Lingling is not willing to play, and the shadow is startling. 28、友谊像蜜糖,我们一同品尝,甜蜜一滴滴渗透心田。 Friendship is like honey. We taste it together, and the sweetness permeates our hearts. 29、不管岁月流转,情怀依旧。感谢你们,谢谢你们! No matter the years flow, the feelings remain the same. Thank you, thank you! 30、回忆那些在一齐的时光,友情的岁月,是记忆力很美的画面。 Memories of those together time, friendship years, is the most beautiful picture of memory. 31、和朋友谈心,不必留心,但和敌人对面,却必须刻刻防备。 You don't have to be careful when you talk to your friends, but you have to be on guard against the enemy. 32、在欢乐时朋友们会认识我们;在患难时我们会认识朋友。 Friends will know us in times of joy; we will know friends in times of trouble. 33、缘分忽远忽近,没有定格;人心变幻莫测,冷暖自知。 Fate is far or near, and there is no fixed pattern. 34、真正的感情是心在下雨的时候,甘愿为你撑伞的人。 The true feeling is the one who is willing to hold an umbrella for you when it rains. 35、朋友的理解,让我扫除心中的阴霾,我感谢朋友。 The understanding of friends, let me clear the haze in my heart, I thank my friends. 36、老同学相遇、相知、相契、相依、相助!感谢你们一路相伴! Old classmates meet, know, agree, depend on and help each other! Thank you for your company all the way! 37、因为孤独而靠近的彼此,总会因为目的不同而果断的分开。 Because of loneliness and close to each other, always because of different purposes and decisive separation. 38、你是我的芥末,明明每次都呛得眼泪流,还忍不住想吃。 You are my mustard. I can't help but feel like crying every time. 39、虽然人生没有回头路,但只要有你,时光就不算辜负。 Although there is no turning back in life, as long as there is you, time is not a failure. 40、友情是一瓶很纯的葡萄酒。越陈,就越醇,也越甜。 Friendship is a very pure wine. The older it is, the more mellow and sweet it will be. 41、什么也不说,能收到你的祝福和红包,我很开心。 Nothing to say, can receive your blessing and red envelope, I am most happy. 42、很好的友情不是从幼儿园开始,而是开始后永远都不会结束。 The best friendship doesn't start in kindergarten, but never ends after it starts. 43、是一颗心对另一颗心的欣赏,是一段情对另一段情的仰望。 It is the appreciation of one heart to another, and the look up of one love to another. 44、朋友之间,要紧的是相知,相知者彼此都有了解之谓也。 Between friends, the important thing is to know each other, know each other is also known. 45、俗话说得好:朋友多了路走。请珍惜朋友,珍惜友谊。 As the saying goes: many friends go. Please cherish friends and friendship. 46、世有伯乐而后有千里马,千里马常有而伯乐不常有。 There is Bole in the world, and then there is Qianli horse. Qianli horse is often found, but Bole is not. 47、不像朋友不如不做朋友,不像爱人不如坦然放手。 It's better not to be a friend than to be a friend. It's better to let go than to be a lover. 48、我一直羡慕我的闺蜜,有一个世界上很好的闺蜜。 I have always envied my best friend. I have the best one in the world. 49、有一种感情叫老同学,有一种感动叫“因为,我们是同学”。 There is a feeling called old classmates, there is a feeling called "because we are classmates". 50、开诚布公与否和友情的深浅,不应该用时间的长短来衡量。 Openness and friendship should not be measured by the length of time. 51、除了一个真心的朋友之外,没有一样药剂是可以通心的。 Apart from a true friend, there is no medicine that can communicate with the heart. 52、希望许久不见的我们,坐下来吃一顿火锅,欢乐如昨! I hope we, who haven't seen for a long time, sit down to have a hot pot, and be as happy as yesterday! 53、用四年的时间换一个心底永远的回忆,这样够励志吧。 With four years of time for a heart forever memories, this is enough inspirational bar. 54、那年阳光正好,我们如此相遇,觉得你是另一个我。 The sun was just right that year. We met so much that we thought you were another me. 55、感谢你为我做的一切,你是我很想要感谢的朋友! Thank you for all you have done for me. You are the friend I want to thank most! 56、你珍惜一个人,一定是感动过;你放弃一个人,一定是失望过。 You cherish a person, must be moved; you give up a person, must be disappointed. 57、等我有钱了,我要带你们吃遍所有的美食,逛遍天下所有街。 When I'm rich, I'll take you all over the food and all the streets in the world. 58、夜雨染成天水碧。有些人不需要姿态,也能成就一场惊鸿。 The night rain makes the sky clear. Some people do not need posture, can also make a surprise. 59、愿我们身边都有知己好友,愿每一份友谊都能天长地久! May we have close friends around us. May every friendship last forever! 60、愿和闺蜜今年夏天都能变瘦,然后一起去海边浪个够。 I hope my best friend and I can get thinner this summer, and then we can go to the seaside to have a good time.





