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来源: 起点文学城 时间:2024-04-19
1、书籍是培植智慧的工具。——夸美纽斯 Books are tools to cultivate wisdom. 2、为乐趣而读书。——毛姆 Read for fun. 3、学而不已,阖棺乃止。——孔丘 If you keep learning, you will be able to close the coffin. 4、书籍备而不读如废纸。——英国谚语 Books without reading are like waste paper. 5、书籍是培植智慧的工具。——培根 Books are tools to cultivate wisdom. 6、好学的人必成大器。——林肯 He who is eager to learn will become a great master. 7、学无止境。——荀子 knowledge has no limit. 8、知识就是力量。——培根 Knowledge is power. 9、人皆可以为尧舜。——《孟子》 Everyone can be Yao and shun. 10、足行万里路,胜读万卷书。——书摘 Walking thousands of miles is better than reading thousands of books. 11、毅力是*的享受。——布莱克 Perseverance is a permanent enjoyment. 12、当局者迷,旁观者清。——《新唐书》 He who is in charge of the game has a good view. 13、须有勇气正视无情的真理。——列宁 We must have the courage to face the ruthless truth. 14、丈夫志四海,万里犹比邻。——曹植 My husband's ambition is all over the world. 15、男儿立身须自强。——李颀 A man needs self-improvement. 16、书籍是造就灵魂的工具。——雨果 Books are the tools of the soul. 17、不迁怒,不贰过。——《论语》 No anger, no second fault. 18、怀疑是知识之钥。——谚语 Doubt is the key to knowledge. 19、业精于勤,荒于嬉。——韩愈 Industry is good at diligence, but waste in play. 20、不学不成,不问不知。——王充 If you don't learn, you don't know. 21、不知则问,不能则学。——董仲舒 Ask if you don't know, and learn if you can't. 22、智者问得巧,愚者问得笨。——陶行知 A wise man asks skillfully, but a fool asks foolishly. 23、日月逝矣,岁不我与。——《论语》 The sun and the moon are gone, and the age is not with me. 24、读万卷书,行万里路。——顾炎武 Read thousands of books and travel thousands of miles. 25、学问欲博,而行己欲敦。——魏征 Learning is to be learned, but to walk is to be strong. 26、学会读书,便是点燃火炬。——雨果 Learning to read is to light the torch. 27、假设始终先于知识。——洪堡 Hypothesis always precedes knowledge. 28、士欲宣其义,必先读其书。——王符 If a scholar wants to declare his righteousness, he must read his books first. 29、休息休息,脑子生锈。——德国谚语 Rest, brain rust. 30、积土而为山,积水而为海。——荀子 Soil is the mountain, and the water is the sea. 31、温故而知新,可以为师矣。——孔子 He who by reviewing the old can gain knowledge of the new and is fit to be a teacher. 32、书是人类进步的阶梯。——高尔基 Books are the ladder of human progress. 33、读书要玩味。——程颢 Reading should be fun. 34、书籍是人类知识的总统。——莎士比亚 Books are the president of human knowledge. 35、进学致和,行方思远。——字严 To learn to be harmonious is to think far. 36、读书破万卷,下笔如有神。——杜甫 When you read a book, you can write like a God. 37、懒惰等于将一个人活埋。——泰勒 Laziness is burying a man alive. 38、读书使人成为完善的人。——培根 Reading makes a man perfect. 39、天才是永恒的耐心。——米开朗琪罗 Genius is eternal patience. 40、尽信书,则不如无书。——孟子 It is better to believe in books than to have no books. 41、老骥伏枥,志在千里。——曹操 The old man has great ambition. 42、学会读书就是点燃火炬。——雨果 Learning to read is to light the torch. 43、百学须先立志。——朱熹 A hundred studies must be determined first. 44、不学而求知,犹愿鱼而无网。——葛洪 To seek knowledge without learning is to fish without a net. 45、不塞不流,不止不行。——韩愈 No more than no flow. 46、人的天职在勇于探索真理。——哥白尼 It is man's duty to explore the truth. 47、少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。——长歌行 A young idler, an old beggar. 48、绳锯木断,水滴石穿。——罗大经 Water drips through the stone. 49、读万卷书,行万里路。——钱泳 Read thousands of books and travel thousands of miles. 50、夙兴夜寐,无一日之懈。——王安石 I've been up and down all night. 51、学而时习之,不亦悦乎!——孔丘 It's a pleasure to learn from time to time! 52、学不精勤,不如不学。——令狐德棻 It is better not to study hard than not to study hard. 53、胜利属于很坚忍的人。——拿破仑 Victory belongs to the most persevering. 54、书是灵魂很好的麻醉剂。——钱伯斯 Books are the best anesthetic for the soul. 55、闲暇是霓裳,不宜常穿用。——阿农 Leisure is a kind of colorful clothes, which should not be worn often. 56、至哉天下乐,终日在书案。——欧阳修 All day long, the world is happy. 57、人而不学,虽无忧,如禽何!——杨雄 If you don't learn, you can't worry about it! 58、若要功夫深,铁杵磨成针。——曹学 If you want to work hard, grind an iron pestle into a needle. 59、失败是坚韧的很后考验。——俾斯麦 Failure is the last test of tenacity. 60、勤奋就是成功之母。——茅以升 Diligence is the mother of success.




