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来源: 起点文学城 时间:2024-04-19
1、愿你此生,不畏将来,不念过去。 May you live a life without fear of the future and the past. 2、爱情是一位伟大的导师,她教我们重新做人。 Love is a great teacher who teaches us to be new. 3、让我花掉一整幅青春,用来寻你。 Let me spend a whole youth, to find you. 4、以宽阔的心,包容伤害你的人。 With a broad heart, tolerate those who hurt you. 5、愿你永远无畏时光,给自己疗伤。 May you never fear time and heal yourself. 6、懦夫把困难举在头顶,英雄把困难踩在脚下。 Cowards hold difficulties above their heads and heroes trample on them. 7、到很后我才知道,我很对不起的其实是我自己。 At the end of the day, I realized that what I was most sorry for was myself. 8、很多人每天忙忙碌碌,一事无成。 A lot of people are busy every day and accomplish nothing. 9、你对人不在乎,他就不会令你生气。 If you don't care about people, they won't make you angry. 10、如果你愿意去发现,其实每一天都很美! If you are willing to find out, every day is beautiful! 11、只有靠你自己的双手,才能搬来生命的障碍。 Only by your own hands can you move the obstacles of life. 12、寻能使自己值得献出生命的某个东西。 Find something that makes you worth your life. 13、我虽然不同意你的观点,但我誓死捍的权力。 I don't agree with you, but I will defend the right to the death. 14、不做别人的公主,只做自己的女王。 Don't be others' princess, just be your own queen. 15、空白时光也是我今后人生的限量版。 Blank time is also a limited edition of my future life. 16、天下之事常成于困约,而败于奢靡。 The affairs of the world are often made in the trap of agreement, but defeated by extravagance. 17、只有奋斗,才是我们民族的希望和光明所在。 Only struggle is the hope and light of our nation. 18、既然不能如愿,不如一笑释然。 Since you can't do it, it's better to smile. 19、不懂得自爱的人,是没有能力去爱别人的。 People who don't know how to love themselves have no ability to love others. 20、只有自己强大,才不会被别人践踏。 Only if you are strong, you will not be trampled on by others. 21、有权力和财富,才能有尊严、荣耀,才能显贵。 Only with power and wealth can we have dignity, glory and nobility. 22、梨花般的岁月,只剩下我独自一人。 Pear like years, leaving me alone. 23、生活其实很简单,过了今天就是明天。 Life is very simple. Today is tomorrow. 24、记着来时走错的教训,回去就顺利了。 Remember the lesson that you went wrong when you came, and you will go back smoothly. 25、再深的爱也要经得住平淡的流年。 No matter how deep the love is, it must withstand the plain time. 26、修身岂为名传世,作事唯思利及人。 Self cultivation is not a name handed down from generation to generation, only thinking and benefiting people. 27、错把绝不当勇气的人,人生路会越走越窄。 The wrong person will never be brave, the road of life will be narrower and narrower. 28、眼里长着太阳,笑容仍是坦荡! With the sun in my eyes, my smile is still magnanimous! 29、哪里会有人喜欢孤独,只是不喜欢失望。 Where can someone like loneliness, just don't like disappointment. 30、人生是盘清水煮青菜,你要加调味剂吗? Life is a dish of water boiled vegetables, do you want to add seasoning? 31、爱情就你玻璃,握得越紧,伤的越重。 Love on your glass, the more tightly you hold, the more serious the injury. 32、没有人可以打倒我,除非我自己先趴下! No one can beat me unless I get down first! 33、遥不可及的,是近在咫尺的你。 Far away, it's you at hand. 34、郁闷的时候,换个环境找快乐。 When depressed, change the environment to find happiness. 35、山重水复疑无路,柳暗花明又一村。 There is no way out of the mountains and rivers. 36、还是感觉太年轻,所以总是那么的轻狂。 Still feel too young, so always so frivolous. 37、祸患常积于忽微,而智勇多困于所溺。 Misfortune often accumulates in the slightest, but wisdom and courage are often drowned in. 38、努力,不一定能成功;不努力,绝不可能成功。 If you work hard, you can't succeed; if you don't, you can't succeed. 39、虚幻的稍纵即逝的“无常”的感觉左右了人生。 The illusory and fleeting "impermanence" feeling influences life. 40、没有不变的承诺,只有说不完的谎言。 There is no constant commitment, only endless lies. 41、人生没有所有权,你只有生命使用权。 Life has no ownership, you only have the right to use life. 42、成功的人总是愿意做没成功的人不愿意做的事。 Successful people are always willing to do what unsuccessful people don't want to do. 43、很大的忍辱是牺牲,很大的牺牲是预备反抗。 The greatest humiliation is sacrifice, and the greatest sacrifice is preparation for resistance. 44、帮助别人得到他想要的,自己就会梦想成真。 Help others get what they want, and their dreams will come true. 45、感情跌跌撞撞的前行,只要依赖,只要执着。 Feeling bumpy forward, as long as rely on, as long as persistent. 46、人生不就是一场戏,让我们认真的逢场作戏。 Life is not a play, let's play it on the spot. 47、人生不易,平淡是真,懂得知足,事事开心! Life is not easy, plain is true, know contentment, everything is happy! 48、有一条路不能拒绝,就是成长的路。 There is a way that can't be rejected, that is, the way to grow. 49、努力学习,勤奋工作,让青春更加光彩。 Study hard and work hard to make our youth more glorious. 50、理智无法支配情绪,相反:行动才能改变情绪。 Reason cannot control emotions. On the contrary, actions can change them. 51、运气,就是机会碰巧撞到了你的努力。 Luck is that chance happens to bump into your efforts. 52、我们都是远视眼,模糊了离我们很近的幸福。 We are all far sighted eyes, blurred from our nearest happiness. 53、良药苦口利于病,忠言逆耳利于行。 Bitter medicine is good for disease, but bad advice is good for action. 54、不怕天,不怕地,就怕自己不争气。 Not afraid of the sky, not afraid of the ground, afraid of their own failure. 55、趁我们都还年轻,多做些我们想要做的任何事。 Do whatever we want to do while we are young. 56、不求尽如人意,但求问心无愧。 Not to be satisfied, but to have a clear conscience. 57、如果你决定要旅行那就别怕风雨兼程。 If you decide to travel, don't be afraid to travel both ways. 58、成功一定有方法,失败一定有原因。 There must be a way to succeed and a reason to fail. 59、房不用住的金碧辉煌,家庭和睦,温馨就好。 The room does not need to live resplendent, the family is harmonious, warm is good. 60、成年人只管利益,小孩子才分对错。 Adults only care about interests, and children can distinguish right from wrong.




